• Relationships are challenged at Station 19 following Sullivan's actions at Maya and Carina's wedding, putting his marriage with Andy to the test. Dean comes to terms with his feelings for Vic, while Travis rekindles an old flame.
  • 当一场猛烈的龙卷风刮过西雅图时,19号消防局的团队立即行动起来。在混乱中,队员们在一棵树下有了惊人的发现,特拉维斯的第一反应在一次政治活动中发挥了巨大作用。
  • Relationships are challenged at Station 19 following Sullivan's actions at Maya and Carina's wedding, putting his marriage with Andy to the test. Dean comes to terms with his feelings for Vic, while Travis rekindles an old flame.